Cuban Proverbs

Cuban ProverbsCuban Proverbs

Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba is a country in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba comprises the main island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud and several archipelagos. Havana is the capital of Cuba and its largest city. The second-largest city is Santiago de Cuba. To the north of Cuba lies the United States, the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands are to the northeast, Mexico is to the west, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south and Haiti and the Dominican Republic are to the southeast.

The official language of Cuba is Spanish and the vast majority of Cubans speak it. Spanish as spoken in Cuba is known as Cuban Spanish and is a form of Caribbean Spanish.

The Bayamo Anthem (El Himno de Bayamo) is the national anthem of Cuba.


Run to battle, men of Bayamo!
The motherland looks proudly to you;
Do not fear a glorious death,
Because to die for the motherland is to live.

To live in chains it’s to live
Mired in shame and disgrace,
From the bugle hear the sound;
Run, brave ones, to battle!

Fear not; the fierce Iberian
Are cowards as every tyrant
Do not resist the brave Cuban
Forever their empire fell.

Free Cuba! Spain already died,
Their power and pride, where did it go?
From the bugle hear the sound
Run, brave ones, to battle!

Behold our triumphant troops
Behold those that have fallen
As cowards they flee defeated:
As braves, we knew how to triumph!

Free Cuba! we can shout
At the cannon’s terrible stampede.
From the bugle hear the sound,
Run, brave ones, to battle!

Sayings of Cuban origin

Seven sons of one mother, and each one of a different mind.

You cannot distinguish between a drunken man and a mad man until they have slept.

Cheese, wine, and a friend must be old to be good.

A lie runs until truth catches up to it.

Faces of men we see but not their hearts.

The best of hunters lies more than he hunts.

How can you trust anyone who doesn’t know how to blush?

Do not be excessively timid or excessively confident.

There’s no agreement under pressure.

What is new is pleasing and what is old is satisfying.

Life is short; but it barely takes a second to smile.

There is no better mirror than the face of an old friend.

There’s no evil that lasts a hundred years, nor a body that can endure it.

If you return an ass’s kick, most of the pain is yours.

He who owes nothing has bought nothing on layaway.

Gluttony and vanity grow with age.

Every head is a world.

A woman’s honor consists in the good opinion the world has of her.

God made us and we wonder at it.

Believe only half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.

Listening looks easy, but it’s not that simple.

He, who speaks much, errs much.

Jovial companions make this dull life tolerable.

Tell me what company you keep and i will tell you who you are

When money talks, everyone else is silent.

Brief encounters can result in long relationships.

There is never wanting an excuse for drinking.

One washes the body in vain if one does not wash the soul.

When the sun rises, it rises for everyone.

A man possesses beauty in his quality and a woman possesses quality in her beauty.

Do not run into debt with a rich man, or promise anything to a poor one.

He who tells the truth doesn’t sin, but he causes many inconveniences.

A love that can last forever takes but a second to come about.

If you would be respected in company, seek the society of your equals and not of your superiors.

Coffee from the top of the cup and chocolate from the bottom.

Kitten’s are a child’s instrument for happiness.

Even a leaf does not flutter on the tree without the will of god.

Justice is a good thing, only not in my house, but in my neighbor’s.

Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba is a country in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba comprises the main island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud and several archipelagos. Havana is the capital of Cuba and its largest city. The second-largest city is Santiago de Cuba. To the north of Cuba lies the United States, the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands are to the northeast, Mexico is to the west, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south and Haiti and the Dominican Republic are to the southeast.

The official language of Cuba is Spanish and the vast majority of Cubans speak it. Spanish as spoken in Cuba is known as Cuban Spanish and is a form of Caribbean Spanish.

The Bayamo Anthem (El Himno de Bayamo) is the national anthem of Cuba.


Run to battle, men of Bayamo!
The motherland looks proudly to you;
Do not fear a glorious death,
Because to die for the motherland is to live.

To live in chains it’s to live
Mired in shame and disgrace,
From the bugle hear the sound;
Run, brave ones, to battle!

Fear not; the fierce Iberian
Are cowards as every tyrant
Do not resist the brave Cuban
Forever their empire fell.

Free Cuba! Spain already died,
Their power and pride, where did it go?
From the bugle hear the sound
Run, brave ones, to battle!

Behold our triumphant troops
Behold those that have fallen
As cowards they flee defeated:
As braves, we knew how to triumph!

Free Cuba! we can shout
At the cannon’s terrible stampede.
From the bugle hear the sound,
Run, brave ones, to battle!