Waiting Proverbs

Waiting until everything is perfect before making a move is like waiting to start a trip until all the traffic lights are green. ~ Karen Ireland

If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin. ~ Ivan Turgenev

If you wait, you grow old, nothing more. ~ Walter Bargen

Work and wait, “work and wait” is what God says to us in creation. ~ Josiah Gilbert Holland

Don’t wait for extraordinary circumstance to do good; try to use ordinary situations. ~ Charles Richter

Youth has a kingdom waiting for it. Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile. ~ Oscar Wilde

The opposite of talking isn’t listening. The opposite of talking is waiting. ~ Fran Lebowitz

We are not born to wait. We are born to do. ~ Dean Koontz

Every day’s a perfect gift of time for us to use. Hours waiting to be filled in any way we choose. Each morning brings a quiet hope that rises with the sun. Each evening brings the sweet content that comes with work well done. ~ Author Unknown

Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Everything comes if a man will only wait. ~ Benjamin Disraeli

All things come round to him who will but wait. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The waiting time, my brothers, is the hardest time of all. ~ Sarah Doudney

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. ~ Frank Tibolt

Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don’t count. ~ Dr. Robert Anthony

I would not sit waiting for some value tomorrow, nor for something to happen. One could wait a lifetime…. I would make something happen. ~ Louis L’Amour

In this world truth can wait; she is used to it. ~ Douglas William Jerrold

Mediocre men wait for opportunity to come to them. Strong, able, alert men go after opportunity. ~ B.C. Forbes Quotes

Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow — that is patience. ~ Leo Tolstoy

Don’t wait for your ship to come in, and feel angry and cheated when it doesn’t. Get going with something small. ~ Irene Kassorla

He, who waits to do a great deal of good at once, will never do anything. ~ Samuel Johnson

The trick is to make sure you don’t die waiting for prosperity to come. ~ Lee Iacocca

The man who has done nothing but wait for his ship to come in has already missed the boat. ~ Author Unknown

Don’t wait to be a great man — be a great boy. ~ Author Unknown

It is better to meet danger than to wait for it. ~ Charles Caleb Colton

A wise man doesn’t just wait for the right opportunity, he creates the right opportunity. ~ Author Unknown

Misfortune always comes to those who wait. The trick is to find happiness in the brief gaps between disasters. ~ Christopher Paolini

The world is full of genies waiting to grant your wishes. ~ Percy Ross

I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it. ~ Jonathan Winters

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. ~ Carl Edward Sagan

If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved. ~ Maurice Chevalier

If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine. ~ Morris L. West

All things come to him who waits — provided he knows what he is waiting for. ~ Woodrow T. Wilson

Whatever we are waiting for — peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance — it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself. ~ Diana Ross

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve too short for those who rejoice. But for those who love, time is not. ~ Henry Van Dyke

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~ Stephen Levine

Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. ~ Napoleon Hill

We are given one life, and the decision is our whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind, or whether to act, and in acting, to live. ~ Omar Nelson Bradley

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. ~ Earl Nightingale

Waiting is not mere empty hoping. It has the inner certainty of reaching the goal. ~ I Ching

Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in. ~ Confucius Quotes

Do not wait for ideal circumstances nor for the best opportunities; they will never come. ~ Janet Erskine Stuart

He who waits upon fortune is never sure of dinner. ~ Benjamin Franklin Quotes

A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be. ~ Bruce Springsteen

I am ready any time. Do not keep me waiting. ~ John Mason Brown

When we have done our best, we should wait the result in peace. ~ Sir John Lubbock

Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them. ~ Orison Swett Marden

Live now, believe me, wait not till tomorrow, gather the roses of life today. ~ Pierre de Ronsard

The best men are not those who have waited for chances but who have taken them; besieged the chance; conquered the chance; and made chance the servitor. ~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Don’t wait for people to be friendly, show them how. ~ Author Unknown

There are three answers to prayer: yes, no, and wait a while. It must be recognized that no is an answer. ~ Ruth Stafford Peale

Don’t wait for someone to take you under their wing. Find a good wing and climb up underneath it. ~ Frank C. Bucaro

The most potent and sacred command which can be laid upon any artist is the command: wait. ~ Iris Murdoch

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. ~ Eden Phillpotts

Waiting is still an occupation. It is having nothing to wait for that is terrible. ~ Cesare Pavese

Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer. ~ Ed Cunningham

Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. ~ Mark Victor Hansen

To know how to wait. It is the great secret of success. ~ Joseph De Maistre

If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life. ~ Oscar Wilde Quotes

A fool and his money are soon parted. The rest of us wait for tax time. ~ Author Unknown

It’s nice to know that we don’t need to wait till tomorrow; we can start to change the world today! ~ Wil Rose

I have always been waiting for something better — sometimes to see the best I had snatched from me. ~ Dorothy Reed Mendenhall

Don’t wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it. ~ Author Unknown

The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choice less as a beach-waiting for a gift from the sea. ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

How much of human life is lost in waiting. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes

Patience carries a lot of wait. ~ Author Unknown

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. ~ Napoleon Hill

I think that wherever your journey takes you, there are new gods waiting there, with divine patience — and laughter. ~ Susan M. Watkins

Waiting was a sin against both the time that was still to come and the moments one was currently disregarding. ~ Neil Gaiman

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. ~ Abraham Lincoln Quotes

We’re like so many puppets hung on the wall, waiting for someone to come and move us or make us talk. ~ Luigi Pirandello

If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything. ~ Win Borden

He who awaits much can expect little. ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez

There is nothing to be gained by waiting for a better situation. You see where you are and you do what you can with that. ~ Jacob K. Javits

Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen. ~ Peter Marshall

Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come; you have to get up and make them. ~ Madame C.J. Walker

Make ’em laugh; make ’em cry; make ’em wait. ~ Charles Reade

It is the man who is waiting for his ship to come in that is always missing the boat. ~ Author Unknown

Look for opportunity. You can’t wait for it to knock on the door…. You might not be home. ~ Jinger Heath

God will wait as long as it takes for us. ~ Roy W. Walters

All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope. ~ Alexandre Dumas

People wait for opportunity to come along…yet it is there every morning. ~ Dennis the Menace

Hope is the positive mode of awaiting the future. ~ Emil Brunner

Success never comes to look for you while you wait around. You’ve got to get up and work at making your dreams come true. ~ Poh Yu Khing

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. ~ Thomas A. Edison Quotes

To fight fear, act. To increase fear — wait, put off postpone. ~ David J. Schwartz

Who longest waits most surely wins. ~ Helen Hunt Jackson

Sayings about Waiting

The future is for those who know how to wait. ~ Russian Proverbs

Wait long, strike fast. ~ Chinese Proverbs

He who gives when he is asked has waited too long. ~ Traditional Proverb

If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. If you don’t wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. ~ African Proverb

If you wait long enough, it will be good weather. ~ Japanese Proverb

It’s good to hope, it’s the waiting that spoils it. ~ Yiddish Proverbs

Time waits for no one. ~ Japanese Proverb

Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time. ~ Chinese Proverb

Everything in time comes to him who knows how to wait. ~ French Proverb

He waits long that waits for another man’s death. ~ Dutch Proverbs

The while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings. ~ French Proverb

He that waits for a dead man’s shoes may long go barefoot. ~ French Proverb

He that feeds himself from waiting could die of hunger. ~ Danish Proverb

Time and tide wait for no men. ~ English Proverbs

People count the faults of those who keep them waiting. ~ French Proverb

A willing helper does not wait until he is asked. ~ Danish Proverb

Wait until it is night before saying it has been a fine day. ~ French Proverbs

A wise man doesn’t just wait for the right opportunity, he creates the right opportunity. A willing helper does not wait until he is asked. ~ Danish Proverbs

He who is waiting for someone else’s bowl often dines late. ~ French Proverb

hen you wait for tomorrow it never comes. When you don’t wait for it tomorrow still comes. ~ Guinean Proverb

The man with no patience waits for daylight, and when it comes he’ll be blind. ~ Arabian Proverb

To wait for luck is the same as waiting for death. ~ Japanese Proverbs

He who waits for the moon waits for darkness. ~ African Proverb

Between the wish and the thing life lies waiting. ~ Traditional Proverb

It’s no use waiting for your ship to come in, unless you’ve sent one out. ~ Belgian Proverbs

Everything comes to him who waits. ~ Traditional Proverb

Quotations about Waiting

Waiting until everything is perfect before making a move is like waiting to start a trip until all the traffic lights are green. ~ Karen Ireland

If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin. ~ Ivan Turgenev

If you wait, you grow old, nothing more. ~ Walter Bargen

Work and wait, “work and wait” is what God says to us in creation. ~ Josiah Gilbert Holland

Don’t wait for extraordinary circumstance to do good; try to use ordinary situations. ~ Charles Richter

Youth has a kingdom waiting for it. Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile. ~ Oscar Wilde

The opposite of talking isn’t listening. The opposite of talking is waiting. ~ Fran Lebowitz

We are not born to wait. We are born to do. ~ Dean Koontz

Every day’s a perfect gift of time for us to use. Hours waiting to be filled in any way we choose. Each morning brings a quiet hope that rises with the sun. Each evening brings the sweet content that comes with work well done. ~ Author Unknown

Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Everything comes if a man will only wait. ~ Benjamin Disraeli

All things come round to him who will but wait. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The waiting time, my brothers, is the hardest time of all. ~ Sarah Doudney

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. ~ Frank Tibolt

Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don’t count. ~ Dr. Robert Anthony

I would not sit waiting for some value tomorrow, nor for something to happen. One could wait a lifetime…. I would make something happen. ~ Louis L’Amour

In this world truth can wait; she is used to it. ~ Douglas William Jerrold

Mediocre men wait for opportunity to come to them. Strong, able, alert men go after opportunity. ~ B.C. Forbes Quotes

Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow — that is patience. ~ Leo Tolstoy

Don’t wait for your ship to come in, and feel angry and cheated when it doesn’t. Get going with something small. ~ Irene Kassorla

He, who waits to do a great deal of good at once, will never do anything. ~ Samuel Johnson

The trick is to make sure you don’t die waiting for prosperity to come. ~ Lee Iacocca

The man who has done nothing but wait for his ship to come in has already missed the boat. ~ Author Unknown

Don’t wait to be a great man — be a great boy. ~ Author Unknown

It is better to meet danger than to wait for it. ~ Charles Caleb Colton

A wise man doesn’t just wait for the right opportunity, he creates the right opportunity. ~ Author Unknown

Misfortune always comes to those who wait. The trick is to find happiness in the brief gaps between disasters. ~ Christopher Paolini

The world is full of genies waiting to grant your wishes. ~ Percy Ross

I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it. ~ Jonathan Winters

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. ~ Carl Edward Sagan

If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved. ~ Maurice Chevalier

If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine. ~ Morris L. West

All things come to him who waits — provided he knows what he is waiting for. ~ Woodrow T. Wilson

Whatever we are waiting for — peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance — it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself. ~ Diana Ross

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve too short for those who rejoice. But for those who love, time is not. ~ Henry Van Dyke

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~ Stephen Levine

Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. ~ Napoleon Hill

We are given one life, and the decision is our whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind, or whether to act, and in acting, to live. ~ Omar Nelson Bradley

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. ~ Earl Nightingale

Waiting is not mere empty hoping. It has the inner certainty of reaching the goal. ~ I Ching

Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in. ~ Confucius Quotes

Do not wait for ideal circumstances nor for the best opportunities; they will never come. ~ Janet Erskine Stuart

He who waits upon fortune is never sure of dinner. ~ Benjamin Franklin Quotes

A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be. ~ Bruce Springsteen

I am ready any time. Do not keep me waiting. ~ John Mason Brown

When we have done our best, we should wait the result in peace. ~ Sir John Lubbock

Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them. ~ Orison Swett Marden

Live now, believe me, wait not till tomorrow, gather the roses of life today. ~ Pierre de Ronsard

The best men are not those who have waited for chances but who have taken them; besieged the chance; conquered the chance; and made chance the servitor. ~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Don’t wait for people to be friendly, show them how. ~ Author Unknown

There are three answers to prayer: yes, no, and wait a while. It must be recognized that no is an answer. ~ Ruth Stafford Peale

Don’t wait for someone to take you under their wing. Find a good wing and climb up underneath it. ~ Frank C. Bucaro

The most potent and sacred command which can be laid upon any artist is the command: wait. ~ Iris Murdoch

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. ~ Eden Phillpotts

Waiting is still an occupation. It is having nothing to wait for that is terrible. ~ Cesare Pavese

Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer. ~ Ed Cunningham

Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. ~ Mark Victor Hansen

To know how to wait. It is the great secret of success. ~ Joseph De Maistre

If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life. ~ Oscar Wilde Quotes

A fool and his money are soon parted. The rest of us wait for tax time. ~ Author Unknown

It’s nice to know that we don’t need to wait till tomorrow; we can start to change the world today! ~ Wil Rose

I have always been waiting for something better — sometimes to see the best I had snatched from me. ~ Dorothy Reed Mendenhall

Don’t wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it. ~ Author Unknown

The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choice less as a beach-waiting for a gift from the sea. ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

How much of human life is lost in waiting. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes

Patience carries a lot of wait. ~ Author Unknown

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. ~ Napoleon Hill

I think that wherever your journey takes you, there are new gods waiting there, with divine patience — and laughter. ~ Susan M. Watkins

Waiting was a sin against both the time that was still to come and the moments one was currently disregarding. ~ Neil Gaiman

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. ~ Abraham Lincoln Quotes

We’re like so many puppets hung on the wall, waiting for someone to come and move us or make us talk. ~ Luigi Pirandello

If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything. ~ Win Borden

He who awaits much can expect little. ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez

There is nothing to be gained by waiting for a better situation. You see where you are and you do what you can with that. ~ Jacob K. Javits

Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen. ~ Peter Marshall

Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come; you have to get up and make them. ~ Madame C.J. Walker

Make ’em laugh; make ’em cry; make ’em wait. ~ Charles Reade

It is the man who is waiting for his ship to come in that is always missing the boat. ~ Author Unknown

Look for opportunity. You can’t wait for it to knock on the door…. You might not be home. ~ Jinger Heath

God will wait as long as it takes for us. ~ Roy W. Walters

All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope. ~ Alexandre Dumas

People wait for opportunity to come along…yet it is there every morning. ~ Dennis the Menace

Hope is the positive mode of awaiting the future. ~ Emil Brunner

Success never comes to look for you while you wait around. You’ve got to get up and work at making your dreams come true. ~ Poh Yu Khing

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. ~ Thomas A. Edison Quotes

To fight fear, act. To increase fear — wait, put off postpone. ~ David J. Schwartz

Who longest waits most surely wins. ~ Helen Hunt Jackson

Categories: Time & Calendar