Violence Proverbs
The African proverb says that "Greatness is not achieved with violence. " This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about VIOLENCE. (Estimated reading time 5
Excuses Proverbs
Since excuses were invented, no one is ever in the wrong says the Mexican proverb! Compilation of proverbs & sayings about Excuses....
Threats Proverbs
It is said that he who fears not death fears not a threat! This page is a compilation of quotes and sayings about threats....
Shyness Proverbs
If you feed the mouth, the eye becomes shy, according to the Palestinian proverb. A collection of proverbs & sayings about SHYNESS....
Weeping Proverbs
The Polish proverb believes that Water teaches us to weep, wine teaches us to sing! Collection of short quotes and sayings about WEEPING....
Slander Proverbs
The Chinese believe that it is easier to get a chicken back in the egg than to undo a slander.. This page is a compilation of proverbs about
Scandal Proverbs
It is said that scandal dies sooner of itself, than we could kill it!..This page is a compilation of proverbs and saying about SCANDAL....
Revenge Proverbs
The German proverb suggests that revenge converts a little right into a great wrong!... This page is a compilation of proverbs quotes and sayings about REVENGE. Estimated reading
Slavery Proverbs
The Albanian proverb suggested that you work like a slave and eat like a gentleman!... This page is a compilation of proverbs,quotes and sayings about SLAVERY. Estimated reading
Prisons Proverbs
A day in prison is longer than a thousand years at large, says the Vietnamese proverb! This page is a compilation of quotes & sayings about PRISONS....