Sayings of a variety of Cultures
The Babylonian Proverb suggests you never trust the smile of your opponent!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Babylonian origin. Estimated reading time 7

The Yiddish proverb says that the door of success is marked "push" and "pull."...This page is a compilation of 311 Yiddish proverbs and sayings that convey great wisdom

The Bedouin proverb taught us that at the narrow passage, there is no brother and no friend...This page is a compilation of 17 Bedouin that convey great wisdom

The Tamilan Proverb suggests that the good tongue is a good weapon!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Tamilan origin. Estimated reading time 3

The Walloon Proverb suggests that it is better to be alone than to be in bad company.!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Walloon

The Swahili proverb suggests that the route of a liar is short!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Swahili origin. Estimated reading time 3

The Tibetan Proverb suggests that cold hearts can find warm words!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Tibetan origin. Estimated reading time 7 minutes....

The Breton Proverb suggests that five minutes of health comfort the ill one!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Breton origin. Estimated reading time

What you give away you keep, suggested by the Kurdish proverb. This page is a compilation of 22 Kurdish proverbs & Sayings....

The Jewish Proverb suggests that Life is the biggest bargain. We get it for nothing!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Jewish origin. Estimated