Sayings of a variety of Cultures
The Lain proverb taught us that who loses honor can lose nothing else......This page contains a compilation of 115 Latin proverbs and sayings....

The Hindu proverb taught us that Saints fly only in the eyes of their disciples!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Hindu origin. Estimated

The Zulu Proverb suggests that Every stream has its source!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Zulu origin. Estimated reading time 4 minutes....

What goes up, must come down according to the Sinhalese wisdom. This page is a compilation of proverbs & sayings of Sinhalese origin...

The Sanskrit proverb says:"a house without a child is like a tomb!"... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Sanskrit origin. Estimated reading time 5

The Bambara proverb says:"Everyday the ear goes to school!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Bambara origin. Estimated reading time 3 minutes....

Proverbs & Sayings of Persian origin.The strictness of the teacher is better to bear than the prejudice of the father, says the Persian proverb....

The Laotian proverb says:"Keep your white penny for your black day!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Laotian origin. Estimated reading time 3 minutes....

Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone says the Arabian Proverb... This page is a compilation of Arabian Proverbs & Sayings....

A son is a son until he comes of age; a daughter is a daughter all her life. says the Gaelic Proverb. Enjoy reading the collection of 42