Deception Proverbs

Sayings about Deception

With nice appearance people want to be deceived. ~ German Proverb

Deceive the rich and powerful, if you will, but don’t insult them. ~ Japanese Proverb

The deceitful have no friends. ~ Indian Proverb

If you don’t want to be deceived, then marry on February 30th. ~ French Proverb

Every cloud has a silver lining. ~ Proverb

If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me. ~ Italian Proverb

The woman who deceives her husband makes her lover swear never to be unfaithful to her. ~ Chinese Proverb

To deceive a diplomat speak the truth, he has no experience with it. ~ Greek Proverb

He that flatters you more than you desire either has deceived you or wishes to deceive. ~ Italian Proverb

He who fondles you more than usual has either deceived you or wants to. ~ French Proverb

If you don’t want to be deceived, you must have as many eyes as hairs on the head. ~ German Proverb

It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver. ~ French Proverb

To deceive oneself is very easy. ~ Traditional Proverb

It is more disgraceful to suspect our friends than to be deceived by them. ~ French Proverb

Appearances can be deceiving. ~ English Proverb

The people want to be deceived. ~ Latin Proverb

Quick to believe is quickly deceived. ~ Serbian Proverb

There is a snake concealed in the grass. ~ Latin Proverb

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. ~ English Proverb

The art of pleasing is the art of deceiving. ~ French Proverb

Be not deceived with the first appearance of things, for show is not substance. ~ English Proverb

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. ~ Biblical Proverb

Let go over a cliff, die completely, and then come back to life — after that you cannot be deceived. ~ Zen Proverb

Deceit always returns to its master. ~ French Proverb

Skeptics are never deceived. ~ French Proverb

Too much politeness conceals deceit. ~ Chinese Proverb

Deceive me about the price but not about the goods. ~ Indian Proverb

Quotations about

All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from words into things. ~ – Bishop Robert South

Fortune is a great deceiver. She sells very dear the things she seems to give us. ~ Vincent Voiture

A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human. ~ Alan Turing

A deception that elevates us is dearer than a host of low truths. ~ Marina Tsvetaeva

Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves. ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves. ~ Goethe

Deceive not thy physician, confessor, nor lawyer. ~ George Herbert

Profit is sweet, even if it comes from deception. ~ Sophocles

Dishonesty is so grasping it would deceive God himself, were it possible. ~ George Bancroft

That which deceives us and does us harm, also undeceives us and does us good. ~ Joseph Roux

The reason we bitterly hate those who deceive us is because they think they are cleverer than we are. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld

When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people. ~ Mark Twain

Whatever deceives men seems to produce a magical enchantment. ~ Plato

Self-deception is nature; hypocrisy is art. ~ Mason Cooley

Life is the art of being well deceived. ~ William Hazlitt

Even good people are obliged to deceive. ~ Greg LeMond

The essence of lying is in deception, not in words. ~ John Ruskin

Do not consider it proof just because it is written in books, for a liar who will deceive with his tongue will not hesitate to do the same with his pen. ~ Maimonides

I think people deceive themselves about themselves, particularly as they get older. ~ Jeanette Winterson

Everyone is born sincere and dies deceivers. ~ Marquis De Vauvenargues

We are inconsolable at being deceived by our enemies and being betrayed by our friends, yet we are often content in be being treated like that by our own selves. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Adults find pleasure in deceiving a child. They consider it necessary, but they also enjoy it. The children very quickly figure it out and then practise deception themselves. ~ Elias Canetti

Men who cannot deceive others are very often successful at deceiving themselves. ~ Samuel Johnson

Tomorrow is an old deceiver, and his cheat never grows stale. ~ Samuel Johnson

We like to be deceived. ~ Blaise Pascal

Unlike grown ups, children have little need to deceive themselves. ~ Goethe

The art of pleasing is the art of deception. ~ Marquis De Vauvenargues

Nothing is more common on earth than to deceive and be deceived. ~ Johann G. Seume

The easiest person to deceive is one’s self. ~ Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Liars share with those they deceive the desire not to be deceived. ~ Sissela Bok