Welcome to Proverbicals!

Well Done!
Thinking well is wise; planning well, wiser; but doing well is the wisest and best of all says the Persian proverb! This page is a compilation of proverbs,
Interest Proverbs
The German Proverb says that he who lends to the poor gets his interest from God... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about INTEREST.
Control your emotion or it will control you, says the Japanese proverb! This page is a compilation of quotes & sayings about EMOTIONS....
Funerals Proverbs
Weddings is like a funerals, but with musicians. says the Hebrew proverb! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about funerals....
Injuries Proverbs
Write injuries in the sand, kindnesses in marble, says the French proverb! This Injuries Proverbs page is a compilation of quotes & sayings about Injuries....
Calendar Proverbs
The Spanish proverb suggested that women and calendars are good only for a year!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about CALENDARS. Estimated reading
Humility Proverbs
It is said that Life is a long lesson in humility... The Humility proverbs page is a compilation of quotes and sayings about Humility....
Judgment Proverbs
Short judgments make long friends says the traditional proverb!!! This page is a compilation of proverbs & sayings about Judgment....
Quotations about Elegance. It is said that 'The only real elegance is in the mind; if you've got that, the rest really comes from it.'...
Swimming Proverbs
The Swahili proverb suggests that if you are going to destroy a bridge, be sure you can swim!... This page is a compilation of proverbs quotes and sayings