Welcome to Proverbicals!
It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years! This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings about Counting....
The American Proverb says that the only thing we learn from new elections is we learned nothing from the old... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes
The Swedish Proverb taught us that in a small house God has his corner, in a big house He has to stand in the hall!... This page is
If a man be endued with a generous mind, this is the best kind of nobility.... This page is a compilation of quotes and sayings about NOBILITY....
Truth has no branches, says the Indian proverb! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about BRANCHES & LEAVES....
The Japanese Proverb suggests that good religion does not need miracles!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about RELIGION. Estimated reading time 8 minutes....