Welcome to Proverbicals!
Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about Reality....
Truth is stranger than fiction, says the Traditional proverb! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & saying about fiction....
A man becomes like those whose society he loves, says the Hindu proverb... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about Society....
The Chinese believe that it is easier to get a chicken back in the egg than to undo a slander.. This page is a compilation of proverbs about
It is said that every science begins as philosophy and ends as art... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about Science....
If the doctor cures, the sun sees it; if he kills, the earth hides it, says the Scottish proverb! Collection of e quotes & sayings about DOCTORS....
It is said that waiting is one of the great arts!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, sayings and quotes about WAITING. Estimated reading time 11 min....
It is said that Theater is a mirror, a sharp reflection of society... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about THEATER. Estimated reading time
He, who controls his tongue, saves his head says the Turkish proverb! This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings about CONTROL ....
He is great whose faults can be numbered says the Hebrew Proverb ! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about NUMBERS. Estimated reading time