Welcome to Proverbicals!

Poetry moves heaven and earth, says the Japanese proverb! This page is a compilation of quotes & sayings about POETRY. Estimated reading time 8 minutes....
Jungle Proverbs
The American Proverb says: "The forest is the poor man's overcoat."... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about JUNGLES, FORESTS and WOODS. Estimated reading
Gossip Proverbs
Women never praise without gossiping says the Chinese Proverb!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about GOSSIP. Estimated reading time 8 minutes....
Murder Proverbs
The Chinese Proverb says: "One can forgive a murder but not impoliteness." This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about MURDERS & KILLING. Estimated reading
Months Proverbs
The Japanese proverb says that even when months and days are long, life is short!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about MONTHS. Estimated
Bosses Proverb
When three men march together, one of them must be the boss, says the Manchuria proverb! The Bosses proverbs page is a compilation of sayings about Boss....
Events Proverbs
The Tanzanian Proverb says that Events follow one another like the days of the week!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about EVENTS. Estimated
Giving Proverbs
The Dutch Proverb says:"Who gives to me, teaches me to give." This page is a compilation of Proverbs, quotes and sayings abut GIVING. Estimated reading time 14 minutes....
Purity Proverbs
Money purifies everything says the Hebrew Proverb!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about PURITY. Estimated reading time 4 minutes....
Sorrow Proverbs
The Chinese proverb says that sorrow is the child of too much joy!... This page is a compilation of proverbs,quotes and sayings about SORROW. Estimated reading time 10