Welcome to Proverbicals!
It is better to be condemned by many doctors than by one judge says the Italian proverb!!! This page is a compilation of sayings about Judges....
It is said that the courts of kings are full of people, but empty of friends!!! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about courts....
The Japanese Proverb says that a single prayer moves heaven!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about HEAVEN. Estimated reading time 14 minutes....
Proverbs, quotes and sayings about noises. It is said that the world is noisy and messy. You need to deal with the noise and uncertainty....
A thousand curses never tore a shirt, says the Arabian proverb! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about Curses and Cursing....
The Malian Proverb says: "A turtle is not proud of his long neck."... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about TURTLES. Estimated reading time
The Gypsy proverb informed that credit is better than money!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about CREDIT. Estimated reading time 6 minutes....
Voice of one, voice of none, says the Italian proverb! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about VOICES. Estimated reading time 6 minutes....
We learn little from victory, but a great deal from defeat, says the Japanese proverb! The defeat page is a compilation of sayings about Defeat....