Welcome to Proverbicals!

Senses Proverbs
It is said that nothing can cure the soul but the senses... The Senses Proverbs page is a compilation of quotes and sayings about Senses....
Rights Proverbs
They have rights who dare defend them., says Roger Baldwin! This page is a compilation of quotes & sayings about Human Rights....
Favors Proverbs
To receive a favor is to sell one’s liberty, warn the Japanese proverb. The Favors proverbs page is a compilation of quotes & sayings about favors....
Crying Proverbs
The African proverb noted that the man who cries all the time is not heard!" This page is a collection of quotes and sayings about CRYING.....
Flying Proverbs
If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing... Collection of short proverbs and sayings about FLYING....
Skills Proverbs
Talents without skills are like deserts without an oasis, says the Arabian proverb! This page is a compilation of quotes & sayings about Skills....
Kanuri Proverbs
30. We love proverbs because it is a joy to find thoughts beautifully expressed... This page is a compilation of sayings of Kanuri Proverbs....
Travel Proverbs
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page... Collection of proverbs and sayings about TRAVEL and Travelling....
Fathers Proverbs
The Serbian proverb assured that the greedy father has thieves for children!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about FATHERS. Estimated reading time 10
Prayer Proverbs
The Russian Proverb says "Pray to God, but keep rowing to the shore."... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about PRAYER. Estimated reading time