Sayings of Basque origin
- Let us have little, but let us always have enough.
- Let’s agree to disagree
- Money is the best of servants, but the worst of bosses.
- Not all truths are good to say.
- Not having enough is like not having anything.
- A good listener needs few words.
- A promise is a debt, it’s always been said.
- By falling, one learns to walk.
- Doing nothing and doing useless work are the same.
- Don’t say as much as you know, and don’t eat as much as you can.
- Earth belongs to the brave but heaven to those who deserve it.
- Far from the eyes, far from the heart.
- For many, the truth hurts.
- God didn’t make even the fingers all the same.
- God is a busy worker but loves to be helped.
- He who doesn’t want to hear unpleasant things, shouldn’t say unpleasant things.
- If you do no wrong, you need not be afraid.
- If you have much, you will need much.
- If you hear something and you don’t object, people will assume that you agree.
- If you say anything you want, you will hear things you don’t want to.
- In an empty house, there’s nothing but anger.
- It’s better to have a good reputation, than to be rich.
- It’s better to have one than be waiting for two.
- Lazy people are always busy.
- Old people know much; they were taught by necessity.
- One eye is enough for the seller, but one hundred is not too many for the buyer.
- One may recover a lost sheep, but not wasted time.
- One who knows, tells everything one knows.
- Talking is easy, doing is hard.
- The choosy one ends up with the ordinary.
- The hand of the stranger is heavy.
- The lazy person has no work and has no time.
- The lost sheep may be recovered, the lost time cannot.
- The needle dresses people but stays naked itself.
- The one who loves you will make you cry, the one who hates you will make you laugh.
- The one who wants everything perfect, often gets just the opposite.
- The stupid find relief in the suffering of others.
- The sun shines equally on the good and the bad.
- There is never trust without loss.
- There is no bread without pain.
- Those who don’t look forward, stay behind.
- Time flies when you are among friends.
- Well begun, is half done.
- What is in the heart, comes to the tongue.
- What is seen at home is what the child learns.
- With a good friend the hours are short.
- With the passing of time, all things are forgotten.
- You know much if you know how to live.
- You will have a sad end, bird, if you don’t make your nest while you’re still young.
- What the wolf does pleases his mate.
- When the fox is engaging you in conversation, keep an eye on your chicken.
- When there is, spend lavishly, and when there isn’t, that’s life.
- Whoever crossed the river at the fordable point, knows how deep the river is.
- Time goes by, and we go with it.
- To do nothing or to do useless work is the same thing.
- Waiting is futile for whomever wants to kiss someone’s backside.
- There is no point in offering a helping hand to someone who wants to drown.
- Those who have their tail made of straw are afraid of fire.
- The thread must be longer than the needle.
- The tree falls towards the side it’s leaning.
- The truth is bitter and unpleasant.
- The wolf and the dog agree about the goat — which together they eat.
- The woman who takes a wolf for a husband is always looking into the wood.
- There is never a lack of food for the lazy person, nor of work for the industrious.
- The priest’s pot is small but tasty.
- The satiated cannot see the hungry.
- The sickness of the body is the cure of the mind.
- The small sheep, always a lamb.
- The old fox sheds its old hair, but not its old habits.
- The old sayings tell no lies.
- The most painful insult is the one that’s true.
- The one who has a lot of time to spare, is the one who always arrives late.
- The closest to the church are the farthest from paradise.
- The craftsman has a bad roof.
- The debts made to one’s mother are never paid.
- The eagle needs feathers, and the wren does too.
- The lazy person has no work, but has no time for anything else either.
- Say little about what you know, and don’t say anything about what you don’t know.
- Sleep with a woman and she will make sure you wake up.
- Telling the truth, you may lose your friends.
- My dog slaps you with his tail and bites you with his teeth.
- My skin is closer to me than my shirt is.
- Old bachelors and old maids are either too good or too bad.
- Not able to take revenge on the donkey; take it out on the saddle.
- More people are threatened than are beaten up.
- In other places dogs go barefoot too.
- Iron must be hammered when it’s hot.
- It is the mountains that do not move to help one another; but one man surely comes to the help of another.
- It is useless to hurry, once the water has already gone by.
- It’s not useful closing the barn door after the horse has been stolen.
- Laziness leads many people astray.
- Life without friends means death without neighbors.
- Health is an asset without equal.
- Honey is bitter for a sore mouth.
- A bleating sheep eats no grass.
- A dog which belongs to two houses dies of hunger.
- A face that never laughs betrays an evil heart.
- A father doing good things will have a similar son.
- A foreign land is a land of wolves.
- A lot of donkeys means a lot of hay.
- A silver hammer can open an iron gate.
- A thrifty father begets a squandering son.
- All things black are not coal.
- An imaginary mill produces no flour.
- Another’s mother is good, but our own is much better.
- Beware of women with beards and men without beards.
- Empty houses are full of noises.
- Eyes that don’t see don’t cry.
- God is good, but not crazy.
- Flatterers and traders are related.

The Basque are an indigenous ethnic group who primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country, a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-central Spain and south-western France. ~ More
Basque is a language isolate ancestral to the Basque people, who are indigenous to and mainly inhabit the Basque Country.