Welcome to Proverbicals!

Awareness Quotes
Quotations about awareness, with 5 minutes estimated reading time. The Amercan activist Rita Wilson once suggested that Awareness is empowering!...
Catalan Proverbs
The Catalan proverb taught us that there is no glory without envy! This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Catalan origin. Estimated reading time 3
Stories Proverbs
The Irish proverb taught us that time is a great story teller! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about STORIES. Estimated reading time 7
Turkish Proverbs
The Turkish proverb says:"A tongue has no bones but it can break!"... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Turkish origin. Estimated reading time 12
Singing Proverbs
The Arabian proverb suggests when danger approaches, sing to it!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about SINGING. Estimated reading time 4 minutes...
Yiddish Proverbs
The Yiddish proverb says that the door of success is marked "push" and "pull."...This page is a compilation of 311 Yiddish proverbs and sayings that convey great wisdom
Bosnian Proverbs
The Bosnian proverb asks why would you use poison if you can kill with honey? … This page is a compilation of 12 Bosnian proverb and sayings of
Bedouin Proverbs
The Bedouin proverb taught us that at the narrow passage, there is no brother and no friend...This page is a compilation of 17 Bedouin that convey great wisdom
Mexican Proverbs
The Mexican proverb taught us that necessity is a great teacher!... This page is a compilation of 71 Mexican proverbs that convey great wisdom....
Maltese Proverbs
The Maltese proverb taught us that with money you can build a road in the sea! Compilation of 59 Maltese proverbs that convey great wisdom....