Quotations about awareness, with 5 minutes estimated reading time. The Amercan activist Rita Wilson once suggested that Awareness is empowering!...
The Catalan proverb taught us that there is no glory without envy! This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Catalan origin. Estimated reading time 3
The Irish proverb taught us that time is a great story teller! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about STORIES. Estimated reading time 7
The Turkish proverb says:"A tongue has no bones but it can break!"... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Turkish origin. Estimated reading time 12
The Arabian proverb suggests when danger approaches, sing to it!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about SINGING. Estimated reading time 4 minutes...
The Yiddish proverb says that the door of success is marked "push" and "pull."...This page is a compilation of 311 Yiddish proverbs and sayings that convey great wisdom
The Bosnian proverb asks why would you use poison if you can kill with honey? … This page is a compilation of 12 Bosnian proverb and sayings of
The Bedouin proverb taught us that at the narrow passage, there is no brother and no friend...This page is a compilation of 17 Bedouin that convey great wisdom
The Mexican proverb taught us that necessity is a great teacher!... This page is a compilation of 71 Mexican proverbs that convey great wisdom....
The Maltese proverb taught us that with money you can build a road in the sea! Compilation of 59 Maltese proverbs that convey great wisdom....