Welcome to Proverbicals!
The Arabian proverb says that Beauty is power!... This page is a compilation of proverbs,quotes and sayings about POWER. Estimated reading time 9 minutes....
The American proverb says"Years know more than books!"... This page is a compilation of proverbs,quotes and sayings about BOOKS. Estimated reading time 10 minutes....
The Chinese proverb says "one step at a time is good walking"... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about STEPS. Estimated reading time 6
The Indian proverb says"Faith keeps the world going!"... This page is a compilation of proverbs,quotes and sayings about FAITH. Estimated reading time 7 minutes....
Who chooses will always have desires says the Zanzibar proverb! This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes & sayings about DESIRES. Estimated reading time 13 minutes....
Collection of quotes, proverbs and sayings about CIRCUMSTANCES ans SITUATIONS... To hell with circumstances; create opportunities!...
Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters... This page is a collection of quotes & sayings for GOODBYES & MEETING AGAIN. Estimated
The Arabian proverb taught us that every day of our life is a page of our history!... This page is a compilation of proverbs, quotes and sayings about
It has become quite a common proverb that in wine there is truth! This page is a compilation of sayings WINE. Good wine needs no bush....