Sayings of Tajikistani origin
A man without a fatherland is like a nightingale without a garden.
The rich eat kebab, the poor inhale smoke.
A chicken you eat only once — eggs a hundred times.
For a greedy man even his tomb is too small.
The sun cannot be covered with a skirt.
A woman’s work is worth more than the talk of a thousand men.
A scientist without action is a bee without honey.
If you sit with the moon you become the moon.
First think then talk.
If the mule doesn’t go to the burden, then the burden will come to the mule.
If you are an elephant don’t offend the cat.
Do not confide in your friend if he has other friends.
To know a language is to know the world.
The fox’s enemy is its tail.
The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajikistan is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia with an estimated population of 8.7 million people as of 2016, and an area of 143,100 km2 (55,300 sq mi). It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. Traditional homelands of Tajik people included present-day Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. (Source)
The official and vernacular language of Tajikistan is Tajik although Russian is routinely used in business and communication. The Constitution mentions Russian as the “language for inter-ethnic communication”, but an amendment passed in 2009 was thought to remove all Russian’s official roles, but it was later clarified that the status was later re-instated and Russian has returned to its status, being a language permissible for law-making, although all official communications should formally first take place in Tajik. Russian is regularly used unregulated between different ethnic groups in the country and thereby fulfilling its stated constitutional role.
Dushanbe is the capital and largest city of Tajikistan. Dushanbe means Monday in the Tajik language.
“Surudi Milli” is the title of the national anthem of Tajikistan.
Our beloved country,
We are happy to see your pride.
Let your happiness and prosperity be forever.
We have reached this day since ancient times,
We stand under your flag, under your flag.
Long live my homeland,
My free Tajikistan!
You are a symbol of our ancestors’ hope
Our honour and dignity,
You are an eternal world for your sons,
Your spring will never end,
We remain loyal to you, loyal to you.
Long live my homeland,
My free Tajikistan!
You are a mother for all of us,
Your future is our future,
Your meaning is the meaning of our souls and bodies,
You give us happiness forever,
Because of you, we love the world, love the world.
Long live my homeland,
My free Tajikistan!