Sayings of American origin
The Ecuadorian proverb says that anger of the mind is poison to the soul!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of v origin. Estimated reading

The Panamanian Proverb taught us that When the eyes see nothing, the heart feels nothing. Read more 11 saying from Panama....

The Uruguayan proverb suggests that it is better to marry a neighbor than a stranger!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Uruguayan origin. Estimated

The Brazilian proverb says: "There’s no good that lasts forever nor evil that never ends."... This page is a compilation of 148 proverbs & sayings of Brazilian origin....

To love and be wise is impossible says the Colombian proverb...This page is a compilation of 21 short, memorable proverbs and sayings of Colombian origin that give wisdom

The Argentine proverb says that children's love is like water in a basket!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Argentine origin. Estimated reading time

No cliff is so tall it cannot be climbed says the Hawaiian proverb. This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Hawaiian origin....

Good and evil often come from the same source, says the Guyanese proverb! This page is a compilation of GUYANESE origin....

The American Proverb says that practice makes perfect!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of American origin. Estimated reading time 16 minutes....

The Vermont Proverb says that the hardest work is to do nothing!... This page is a compilation of proverbs and sayings of Vermont origin. Estimated reading time 4