Sayings about Inheritance
A good name is a second inheritance. ~German Proverbs
The tears of an heir are laughter under a mask.~Latin Proverbs
We have not inherited this land from our ancestors; rather we have borrowed it from our children. ~ Kenyan Proverb
Come for your inheritance and you may have to pay for the funeral. ~ Yiddish Proverb
Those who inherit fortunes are frequently more of a problem than those who made them. ~ Congolese Proverb
You inherit from the dead, not from the sick. ~ Congolese Proverb
The graveyards are full of young lawyers, lost inheritance and young doctors. ~French Proverbs
To get to know a friend, you must share an inheritance with him. ~ German Proverb
In the division of inheritance, friendship stands still. ~Dutch Proverbs
We do not inherit the land from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. ~American Proverbs
He who inherits a hill must climb it. ~ Spanish Proverb
The patient who names a doctor his heir makes a big mistake. ~Spanish Proverbs
All women are heirs to Mother Eve. ~ Yiddish Proverb
The absent one will not be the heir. ~ Latin Proverb
He that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart. ~ Bible
He who inherits a penny is expected to spend a dollar. ~ German Proverb
Out of sight, out of the will. ~ Traditional Proverb
When a miser dies, the heirs feel as happy as when they kill a pig.~ Maltese Proverb
The king inherits a country — the people only hard work. ~ Malagasy Proverb
Absent people do not inherit. ~ French Proverb
An heir also inherits quarrels. ~ Namibian Proverb
Theheir’s tears are but a mask to disguise his joy. ~Mexican Proverbs
A rich man is either a scoundrel or the heir of a scoundrel. ~ Spanish Proverb
Quotations about Iinheritance
A son can bear with equanimity the loss of his father, but the loss of his inheritance may drive him to despair. ~ Niccolo Machiavelli
Say not you know another entirely, till you have divided an inheritance with him. ~ Johann Kaspar Lavater
We inherit nothing truly, but what our actions make us worthy of. ~ George Chapman
Fame is the inheritance not of the dead, but of the living. It is we who look back with lofty pride to the great names of antiquity. ~ William Hazlitt
Say not you know another entirely till you have divided an inheritance with him. ~ Johann Kaspar Lavater
We are all gifted. That is our inheritance. ~ Ethel Waters
This is all the inheritance I give to my dear family. The religion of Christ will give them one which will make them rich indeed. ~ Patrick Henry
Some believe all that parents, tutors, and kindred believe. They take their principles by inheritance, and defend them as they would their estates, because they are born heirs to them. ~ Alan Watts
This our fathers bought for us, long and long ago. ~ Rudyard Kipling
The richest inheritance any child can have is a stable, loving, disciplined family life. ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan
The finest inheritance you can give to a child is to allow it to make its own way, completely on its own feet. ~ Isadora Duncan
What we have inherited from our fathers and mothers is not all that ‘walks in us.’ There are all sorts of dead ideas and lifeless old beliefs. ~ Henrik Ibsen
The Bible tells us that we’re supposed to leave an inheritance for children. ~ Marvin Sapp
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