Sayings about Men and Women
When a man is crazy about a woman only she can cure him. ~ Chinese Proverb
Men laugh with their heart, women only with their mouth. ~ Arabian Proverb
It’s not the beauty of a woman that blinds the man, the man blinds himself. ~ Chinese Proverb
When a woman laughs an experienced man will know how much it will cost him. ~ Indian Proverb
If you are threatened by a man, sleep at night, if it is by a woman then stay awake. ~ African Proverb
Conversation is like making love; the man is the question, the woman the answer, and the union of both will bear fruit. ~ Arabian Proverb
A man chases a woman until she catches him. ~ American Proverb
The success of a man is through the soles of his feet, that of a woman is from her legs. ~ African Proverb
The man is a river, the woman a lake. ~ Kurdish Proverb
Women’s quarrels cause the men’s wars. ~ Japanese Proverb
A woman that always laughs is everybody’s wife; a man that is always laughing is an idiot. ~ Chinese Proverb
The spouse of a woman is a man; the spouse of a man is his livelihood. ~ Indian Proverb
Man is the head and woman is the crown upon it. ~ Slovak Proverb
A man’s eyes are for seeing, a woman’s for being seen. ~ Luxembourg Proverbs
Men are as old as they feel, women as old as they look. ~ Italian Proverb
When a divorced man marries a divorced woman, there are four people in that marital bed. ~ Hebrew Proverb
A man’s servant can live for a hundred years; the slave of a woman dies in six months. ~ Iranian Proverb
A man finds many faults in a woman when he wants to divorce, and finds many charms in one’s fiancé. ~ Malagasy Proverbs
War is to a man what bed is to a woman. ~ Indian Proverb
The woman who does not covet the possessions of her husband is in love with another man. ~ Egyptian Proverb
Between man and woman there is little difference, but vive la difference. ~ French Proverb
A man of straw is worth a woman of gold. ~ Traditional Proverb
No woman can make a wise man out of a fool, but every woman can change a wise man into a fool. ~ Argentine Proverb
The man deliberates, the woman decides. ~ Spanish Proverb
A man without a woman is a tree without leaves and branches. ~ Corsican Proverb
Women and cats in the house, men and dogs in the street. ~ Catalonian Proverb
If you want to take revenge on a man, send him a really beautiful woman. ~ Arabian Proverb
Men and women sleep on the same pillow, but they have different dreams. ~ Mongolian Proverb
Man is the head of the family, woman the neck that turns the head. ~ Chinese Proverb
The man loves with his head, the woman thinks with her heart. ~ Danish Proverb
A woman is the last judgment of the man. ~ Swedish Proverb

Words of Yakov Smirnoff
The beauty of a woman does not make a man richer. ~ French Proverb
Better one day a man than ten days a woman. ~ Kurdish Proverb
Men and women are never placed too far apart to be near. ~ Japanese Proverb
Breasts adorn a woman and make a man look ugly. ~ Hebrew Proverb
A young woman with an old man is really someone else’s woman. ~ Chinese Proverb
If a woman gets rich she changes into a man. ~ Ghanaian Proverb
Man, woman, and love created fire. ~ Spanish Proverb
Women and wine rid a man of his common sense. ~ Spanish Proverb
Woman without man is like a field without seed. ~ Ethiopian Proverbs
A man without a woman cannot defend himself against seductions. ~ Hebrew Proverb
If man be a river, then woman will be a bridge. ~ Arabian Proverb
You don’t know a man before he takes a woman. ~ Haitian Proverbs
An old man in the house is a burden, but an old woman is a treasure. ~ Hebrew Proverb
A woman talks to one man, looks at another, and thinks about a third. ~ Sanskrit Proverb
Men were born with bread in their hands women were born with empty hands. ~ Hebrew Proverb
A woman prefers a man without money to money without a man. ~ Greek Proverb
The woman of a man without sorrows is almost a widow. ~ Hungarian Proverbs
A young woman is to an old man the horse that he rides to hell. ~ Spanish Proverb
A woman is a fortress, a man her prisoner. ~ Kurdish Proverbs
The man is the flame, the woman the glow. ~ Russian Proverb
The folly of a man is not broadcast like that of a woman. ~ Cameroonian Proverb
A man without a woman is only half a man. ~ Indian Proverb
After all, every man is the son of a woman. ~ Russian Proverb